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All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme
  • February 23, 2025
All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme

By Posted on April 20, 2024

If you enjoy cooking and are looking for unique flavors to use in your recipes, do not hesitate to add fresh or dried thyme to your dishes, its flavor takes baked products, vegetable and chicken dishes, and even pastries to a whole new level.

Also, thyme oil, leaves, and flowers have been used to treat various symptoms and illnesses.

In this article, we will discuss thyme origin, medicinal benefits, how to cook with thyme, how to store it, and many other interesting information. All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme

Origin of Thyme

Even though thyme is produced and prepared all across the world today, its beginnings can be found in ancient Mediterranean communities. But it hasn’t always been used only in cooking.  Evidence exists that the Egyptians used thyme’s potent antibacterial qualities in their embalming practices.

The herb was revered by the Romans as a sign of courage and power, especially in military matters. They would trade it among themselves, tie sprigs to their clothing before the war, and burn bundles of the herb to purify the air in their houses and places of worship.

During the Black Death in the Middle Ages, thymol, the active antiseptic ingredient in thyme, was used to treat skin lesions caused by the disease.

Dried Thyme VS. Fresh

Do dried and fresh thyme have the same flavor? What does dried thyme look like? And do fresh and dried thyme look the same? Let’s answer all these questions. Unlike other herbs, thyme retains most of its flavor and aroma when dried, so dried and fresh thyme nearly have the same mint and earthy-like flavor and can be interchangeable.

Thyme leaves in fresh form are dark green, and the stems are brownish yellow, whereas dried leaves of thyme are grayish green in color, and the stems are a bit darker brown.
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Dried Thyme VS. Ground Thyme

Let’s compare dried thyme leaves to ground thyme in the following lines:
Ground thyme is obtained by grinding dried thyme leaves into a powder, so it has a more powerful and concentrated flavor, while dried thyme has a delicate taste, so it does not overpower other ingredients in the recipe.

Nutrition Facts

One gram of dried thyme contains:

calories: 2.8

sugar: 0 mg.

carbohydrates: 0.6 grams.

protein: 0.1 gram.

cholesterol: 0 mg.

fat: 0.1 gram.

Dried Thyme Benefits

All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme

Thyme is thought to have insecticidal, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and may have promising medicinal benefits.

1- Natural Preservative for Food Products:

Some studies found that thyme oil is effective against some foodborne bacteria like Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas bacteria.

2- Fungal Infections:

Thyme oil can fight Candida Albicans, a fungus that causes fungal infections in the mouth and vagina.

3- Acne and Eczema:

Thyme might be useful in curing acne due to its antibacterial effect, also it reduces inflammation and irritation in cases of eczema.

4- High Blood Pressure:

A study done on rats found that thyme aqueous extract reduced blood pressure in rats, so in the future after further studies, this may also benefit humans as well.

5- Natural Insect Repellent:

Thyme oil is effective as a repellent for insects like mosquitoes.

6- Digestive System Health:

In an experiment done on rats, thyme oil was found to increase the protective gastric mucus layers in the stomach, thus protecting from stomach ulcers, but more studies are needed to confirm this use for humans.

7- Natural Cough Suppressant:Thyme is good for cough and has been used as a home remedy for cough for a long time. It also relieves bronchitis and chest congestion.
I explained here All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme benefits. 

Dried Thyme Substitutes

There are some herbs that you can use as alternatives for dried thyme as they have similar flavors, like: 

  • dried basil.
  • dried or fresh rosemary.
  • sage.
  • oregano.
  • marjoram.

What is The Best Way to Process Homegrown Dried Thyme?

After choosing the best way to dry thyme that you have grown in your house, be sure to pick out the large stems, then cut the rest of the thyme into small pieces, put it in a colander, swirl it around, and the small pieces will fall through the holes. Finally, store the crushed thyme in an airtight container.

How to Cook with Fresh and Dried Thyme?

All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme


Fresh and dried thyme suits well with stews, pasta, soups, vegetables, and all kinds of meats.

If your recipe requires fresh thyme, keep the leaves and stem intact together, so the leaves will fall off during cooking. You can remove the stem before serving, or you can just pull off the leaves from the stem before cooking and add them to your recipe.

Cooking with dried thyme gives almost the same flavor as fresh thyme,  because dried thyme retains most of its flavor. But keep in mind that it has a stronger flavor so use one-third of the volume of fresh thyme, and add it at the beginning of cooking to extract most of the flavor.

How to Make Thyme Tea with Fresh and Dried Thyme?

All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme


How to make thyme tea from dried thyme and fresh thyme? Easy! Here are the steps:

Fresh thyme tea:

1- Add several sprigs of fresh thyme to a cup of boiling water.

2- Let it steep for 5-10 minutes.

3- Strain any fallen leaves from your drink and enjoy.

Dried thyme tea:

1- Add 1 teaspoon of powdered dried thyme to a cup of boiling water.

2- Stir to mix it thoroughly.

3- Strain to remove any residue.

How to Use Thyme

You can use thyme in many different ways, like:

1- Mix thyme leaves with filtered water and kosher salt to make a natural mouthwash.

2- Use thyme leaves tea with lemon and honey to relieve your sore throat.

3- Use thyme with bay, parsley, and rosemary leaves to make bouquet garni to flavor stock and sauce.

4- Mix it into cheese, like cream cheese, or into butter.

5- Add it to home-baked bread and crackers.

6- Add it to marinades and dressings.

How to Store Thyme?

Dried thyme should be stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place, while fresh thyme should be wrapped in a paper towel, then in a container, or sealable plastic bag, and kept in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 weeks.


Thyme does not only add a distinct flavor to your dishes and beverages but also supports your body with some beneficial health advantages, so try to add it to your spice shelf in your kitchen.
I hoped that I applied for you All You Want to Know About Dried Thyme.


Is ground thyme the same as dried thyme?

Yes, but ground thyme has a more powerful flavor than dried thyme, as it is obtained by grinding dried thyme into a powder.

What is dried thyme used for?

It is used to season food, and also in cosmetics, and supplements.